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Saturday, May 26, 2007

My Spring Garden

My favorite spring flower is the white hydrangea. I love their big round flowers and that they continuously bloom all summer long.

We recently moved into this house and the garden was missing one thing - the hydrangea. So, we planted 5 of them and they are now in full bloom - looking beautiful.

We are starting to enjoy a mild spring with temperatures in the mid 70's during the day. Perfect weather for sitting outside in the lovely garden.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bailey Marie

Bailey Marie is our 2 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Bailey is the sweetest dog. My daughter wanted a Cavy for a long time and we tried to find one locally. Unfortunately, we didn't have much luck until we hit upon a business near our home where they acquired the dog you were looking for.

Bailey arrived in California from Oklahoma in October, 2004 and came to live with us on November 12, 2004. We are very fortunate to have her in our lives. Bailey's favorite thing is to burrow under the covers where she stays looking like a lump in the bed until she's ready to get up in the morning.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Liddle Kiddles

When I was a kid back in the 60's, I used to love playing with Liddle Kiddles which were little dolls made by Mattel. Each doll had a name and character - such as Calamity Jiddle who was an adorable little blonde haired doll who came dressed in a red and white cowboy outfit and white boots. She rode a cute little plastic horse.

Unfortunately, over the years, my collection of Liddle Kiddles was given away. I didn't really think about them again until after I was married and had a little girl of my own. I went to a Barbie doll show in Anaheim and saw a table where the gal was selling Liddle Kiddles. My mind immediately went back to the days when I loved and played with these dolls. So, I ponied up the $40 and bought a new Calamity Jiddle - which cost me about $34 more than I originally paid.

From then, my collection grew to include over 40 dolls, accessories, houses, playsets, puzzles, etc. etc.

Today, I have whittled that collection down to my favorite original Liddle Kiddles that I played with back when I was a child. It's still a nice memory and nice to know you can get some of those memories back even when you're all grown up.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

My favorite things

These are pictures showing the cottage style of decorating I love. Some of my favorite magazines that feature this type of style are Country Home, Country Living, and Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion. I love hunting for vintage and country style items at the local flea market near my home.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Blogging Thoughts

My first blog post. I've thought about doing this for awhile now and finally took the plunge.

What a week so far - we lost our dear Mary Lou on Monday. DH is home now and that's nice. We'll go back on the 20th for her memorial service.

Took a trip to Ikea today - hadn't been there in years! Lots of cool storage and organizing stuff. Not as good quality as Container Store but depending on the client's budget, will work for some. I particularly liked the corner desk units and white five-drawer storage unit on casters. Well made and a great place to organize office supplies.

The Angels lost tonight 3-1 to Kansas City. Raining like crazy in KC. Lakers are losing to the Suns in playoff game - this could be it for them if they lose tonight. Ducks are doing great against Vancouver. Yes, I'm a sports fan!

So I guess it's okay to ramble on here.

I just finished reading Mary Higgins Clarks' newest novel "I Heard That Song Before". It was very good. Will start "Bye Bye Black Sheep" by Ayelet Waldman next. I'm looking forward to reading Earlene Fowler's newest mystery - it's out and should come to the library soon. Also want to read Alexander McCall Smith's newest Madame Ramotswe story. I love those books!

Welcome to my Cottage

It's great to have you here. Enjoy reading about my life, family, pets, career and other aspects of who I am. I would love to hear your comments too!