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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Just Wanted to Say Goodnight

Hello, it's me, Abby. Just wanted to check in and say goodnight. I had a nice long walk tonight and I'm very tired. I'll be dreaming of chasing rabbits pretty soon. See ya tomorrow.

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my....... !

If you look real closely at this first picture, you can see something I never thought I'd be that close to without a zoo enclosure between us. It's a beautiful young male grizzly bear.

We came across this little fella on an excursion in Skagway, Alaska. We were on our way to a dog sledding excursion when the bus driver was informed that there was a grizzly bear between where the bus ride ended and the dog sledding began. We had to wait inside the bus until he finished his lunch of fresh salmon.

. . . And off he goes with a full belly.

Flowers of Alaska

This is just a brief glimps of the beautiful flowers we saw along our land tour of Alaska. I know they have a short growing season there, so that made it all the more special. I just had to take some photos to share.

Also wanted to leave an update on my weight loss journey. I've lost 11 pounds - I gained 2 on the trip but quickly lost it last week :) So 11 down, 39 to go!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Alaska - Unbelievable

This is only one of over 150 photos I took on our trip to Alaska. We were there for 12 days and each day we discovered more beautiful things about this wonderful state.

I will post more about the trip - just wanted to get this picture up to show the amazing Glacier Bay.

Welcome to my Cottage

It's great to have you here. Enjoy reading about my life, family, pets, career and other aspects of who I am. I would love to hear your comments too!